Welcoming, Authentic Catholic Therapy
Most therapy is designed to help us cope with our wounds. Healing happens in relationship, especially with God. Why is it that we can pray, receive Communion, and go to confession yet never seem to be healed?
St. Thomas Aquinas said, "one reception of Holy Communion is enough to completely heal us!" Why does it often not work? St. Thomas goes on to say, the reason healing does not occur is due to (psychological) "impediments", meaning things that block healing graces.
We strive to help people discover their psychological impediments and seek healing through the Truths of the Church by means of sacramental graces. We use therapeutic techniques and teaching, which leads to identifying and removing the impediments that often block healing.
Furthermore, for those who are not practicing Catholics, or have limited or no faith tradition, We use traditional therapeutic techniques that increase one's coping skills with any presenting issue or problem. We find that with an increase in coping skills, one can often gain interest and hope towards potential healing.
A ship may sail in different directions, north or south, east or west, driven by various winds, yet the needle of its compass will always point towards the pole star. Likewise, let everything turn upside down, not only about us but also within us: whether we are sad or happy, relaxed or restless, in peace or in turmoil, in light or darkenss, in temptation or assurance, in attachment or aversion, in aridity or ardor, scorched by the sun or refreshed by the dew, always ensure that your heart, soul and spirit, are always, as the needle of the compass, turned towards God our Creator and Saviour, our unique and sovereign good.
~ St. Francis de Sales
Our Services
Married Couples
Children and Adolescents
Chemically Dependent
Eating Disorders
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Sexual Abuse Victims
Depressive Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Child Bearing Loss
Post-Abortion Syndrome
Sexual Identity Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder : PTSD and Complex PTSD
Dissociative Disorders
Same sex attraction conflicts
- Pornography
- Sexual addictions and related difficulties
- Scrupulosity
- Post Abortive Syndrome: PAS
- Trauma recovery
Sac. office: Appointments with Bryan on Fridays. Also available in Modesto, CA . Contact us for availability.
Offices too far or inconvenient?
Also available to anyone in California through video conferencing using HIPPA compliant secure software.
Father Dominic office in person
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church