Talks (Listen Online)

Healing Wounds to the Soul in Adoration(2019) An introduction on utilizing Eucharistic Adoration to connect with Gods unconditional love for psychological healing healing.

Inviting Youth to Vision Regarding Porn (2018): An exploration on how a more vivid connection with Eucharistic love and the Theology of the Body can help youth and others to utilize the value and purpose of sexual desire.

Anxiety, Depression, and Lonliness: A brief introduction on how “pain symptoms of the soul” can lead us to healing our wounds utilizing faith and resources in the chruch like adoration, confession, and the mass.

Increasing “compatibility skills” in your marriage and important relationships. Relationship’s require skill. Skill is acquired though practicing difficult things that lead to mastery. I briefly discuss 4 relational skills, & 5 ways to increase them.

Increasing compatibility in your Christian marriage

The Desire for Physical Intimacy through a Catholic Psychological Lens. This is a God given desire designed to speed our path to heaven. The sexual revolution has clouded that vision. This talk offers practical steps towards regaining a heavenly vision.

The desire for physical intimacy through a catholic psychological lens